Monthly Archives: May, 2012

Comfort Zones

I have been thinking about the topic of comfort zones. It has been on my heart to write about it because I feel so strongly about this subject, especially as I look into my future and see (or do not see) where the Lord is taking me.

According to, the term comfort zone can be defined as follows: “Range of minimum and maximum exposure or risk within which an entity can operate without coming under undue stress”.
With this definitine in mind I want to extend its meaning by putting labels to things that we are most likely to become comfortable with. For example, one can become comfortable within the boundaries of their faith, their lifestyle and their daily decision to follow the Lord. (Feel free to add to the list!)

The Lord has been convicting me recently over the idea of ‘comfort zones’ and that I have been wresting within the walls of my comfort zone. The Lord has taught me that unless I choose to leave my comfort zone I will not grow in my faith. I believe that when someone steps outside of their comfort zone, they will see the necessity of fully relaying on the Lord and how important it is to abide in his strength. My wish is that I am continually forced outside my comfort zone and continually reminded of my weakness and need for the Lord’s strength! I desire is to be radical in my faith! I want to have doubts, I want to feel nervous about my next step in life (teaching first grade in the DR), and I want to be continually reminded that the Lord is in control!  My recent prayers have been the following.

  • “Lord continue lead me and guide me in the path that you want me to take”.
  • “Lord allow me to see your will in my life”.
  • “Lord teach me something new”.
  • “Lord break me and put me back together again”

I realize that through each of these prayers I am asking the Lord to provide drastic changes in my life. By asking Him to guide me according to His will, to show me His will for me life, to teach me something new and to break me, I will be taking HUGE spiritual strides with the Lord. The Lord answers prayers and I know that when the Lord chooses to answer anyone of my prayers I will be ripped out of my comfort zone and challenged with something new and exciting that will require me to fully lean on the Lord!

Why would I want to be comfortable with where I am in my faith or phase of life? Why should I expect to be comfortable? We are called to give glory to the Lord and honor Him in all we do and that alone should require us to step outside the boundaries of our comfort zone. Why not feel uncomfortable so that we can use the Lord’s strength rather than our own? Why not be pushed to the limits to glorify the Lord?



The Lord gives

This is the first of many posts that I will have before I leave for the Dominican. Please feel free to comment on any of my blog posts! Leave me a message letting me know how you are doing or if you have any thoughts or comments. I love conversing about the ideas that I write about so feel free to add any comments, or words of encouragement as the months go by.

My departure date is July 24th and I am very excited to start this next step of my life. The Lord has blessed me so much and has provided abundantly. There are times when I feel like I have to pinch myself to make sure that everything that the Lord has given me is FOR REAL!  I once heard a preacher say, be careful what you pray for because the Lord will give you the desires of you heart and bless you abundantly! Boy is this ever true!! During the month of April I had the opportunity to go down to the DR (before returning in July to live). During my time in the DR I was able to bond more with my future roommate Gomez, hunt for the right house and buy a car. Like I said, when you ask the Lord for something he surely gives as He pleases! I asked the Lord to provide my roommate and I with a good place to live and for me to be able to have a car. Sure enough, I was able to get both of those things! The Lord has given Gomez and I a great house to live in that is more than we could EVER imagine, and I have a car that is in great condition that I will be able to use for my daily routes to work and more.

Another amazing example of the Lords blessing on my life is my current living situation. Here’s the story….brace yourselves!

During my last month at Taylor University in January, I was seeking the Lord guidance for the next step in my life. I was about to graduate at the end of January and jump into the real world. The only problem was that I had no job and no place to live. I asked the Lord to lead me in the right direction and provide for me. Sure enough He did!!  About two weeks into January, and two weeks away from my graduating date, I had a phone conversation with a dear friend in Cleveland. I shared with her that I had no plans at the end of January and no place to live. A couple days later, she called me back letting me know that there was a great need for a German teacher as their school. She asked me if I was willing to fill that position till the end of the school year (which is perfect because I’m leaving for the DR mid summer). She also told me that I would have a place to live.  WOW! After praying for several days I called her back and told her that I would LOVE to have the job! I have now been teaching German in Cleveland to middle school and high school students for the past 3 and a half months. I am so blessed! The family that I am living with is so wonderful and loving. I feel like one of their own when I am around them. They care for me, provide for me and love on me day in and day out! I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect situation and am so thankful that the Lord has provided in the way that He has!

The Lord has showered me with blessings and my responsibility is to thank Him and glorify Him with what He has given me! I also need to discipline myself to thank Him just for His provisions. I find myself overcome with joy at what He has done for me in my life without me turning back and thanking Him!! Thank you Lord for your provisions!