Monthly Archives: April, 2014

Can 6 year olds change the world?

It all started with a video, role-playing a family, eating strange food, trying on clothes that were not ours, doing school work with no supplies and the their minds went flying.

“Mrs. Gerent, can I give poor people my clothes?”

“Mrs. Gerent, can I go to Africa and help them?”

“Mrs. Gerent, can we give food to poor people?”

“But Mrs. Gerent, why don’t they have food? I want to help”.

Their minds were flowing with ideas and desires. Ideas like walking to Africa and giving families food and clothes. Ideas like sending them their own food. They had the desire to help without knowing how, but  their hearts were filled, in the right place and they wanted to do something.

We then had a class discussion on what we could do, since they were so instant on doing SOMETHING. They all decided that they wanted to give food to people who could not buy it for themselves and their families. As the adult, I had the ability to use my resources and knowledge to help my kids fulfill their desire to help families. (It’s amazing how selfless and giving little kids can be when they see someone in need.) I was moved by their hearts and had to do something about it!

My dear friend Alicia told me about “Children’s Relief International” CRI. She has worked with them before and loves their work and mission for the world. It was decided. My students were going to raise money to buy food for CRI families in Mozambique.  CRI is a ministry who’s mission is “to take Christ to the poor” and one way that they do this is through a food pantry in Mozambique, Africa. We organized a pancake breakfast (many of you may have seen it advertised on FB) to raise money to fill CRI’s food pantry in Mozambique. The students invited their friends and family to this event. On Saturday April 26th, the 1st graders served  pancakes to 260 people and raised over $500!!

I can plan for  my units and lessons and have an end goal in mind. But never did I think that we would have 21 servant hearts and $500 at the end of our Expedition. This entire gig was apart of our 9 weeks expedition on families around the world. The 1st graders were discovering what life looks like in different part of the world by studying what families look like in other places. It was really great seeing 6 year olds learn about life outside their own and be selfless enough to want to help people in need.

Looking back on all of this, I am amazed at the work of my student’s little hands and hearts! Their hearts had a desire to give, their hands were willing to serve and they raised more money than I thought possible. Because of their hard work we will be filling a food pantry in Mozambique to help feed hungry mouths of families who cannot afford to do so.

So, can 6 years old change the world? ABSOLUTELY!!! They have changed mine and only God knows how their money raised will help others! We probably won’t even know the impact it will have, but the 1st grades were willing to serve, be used by God and they have moved mountains!

In the same way, I told God that I wanted Him to use me in whatever capacity He desired. He then sent me here to the Dominican Republic to serve and educate young minds for HIS GLORY! Look what He can do!!

Below is the first grader’s video of their Expedition and them talking about fundraising for CRI. Enjoy 🙂