About Caribbean Mountain Academy (CMA)

What is Caribbean Mountain Academy (CMA)?

What is their mission?

Changing hearts and bringing hope to a generation at risk“.
Here are some underlying verse to support their mission.

Romans 12:2: We do not only seek to change the outward behaviors of our students, but we believe that through the grace of God, our students heart’s can be transformed. Once God transforms the heart, soul, and mind a change in behavior will follow.

Jeremiah 29:11: just as God had a purpose and plan for Israel, he has a purpose and plan for each student brought to the CMA.

What does Troy do at CMA?

Troy has been working at Caribbean Mountain Academy (CMA) since January 2013.  He was first brought into the ministry to be the campus’ paramedic. Being very active and a paramedic in the States, he was the perfect person for the job!  His responsibilities as the paramedic were to be in charge of all the student’s medication, assess emergency medical situations and take students or staff members to the hospital if needed and care for any daily medical issues.  After a year of being a paramedic, spending everyday with the students, gaining a good foothold in the ministry and modeling  great leadership abilities, he was offered the roll of “Residential Program Manager” in August 2014.
In this new leadership position, he now oversees all staff, student programing and staff scheduling. He really enjoys this position as he is able to help the staff on campus by empowering them to use their strengths and really dig deeper with the students. This is a new and exciting step for Troy and I as we have seen God use Troy’s gifts and talents as He works in Troy’s life and builds him as a leader!!

What does Lexie do at CMA?

As of June 2016, I have been CMA’s Missions Manager.  As a missions organization in the Dominican Republic, CMA feels called to reach out to the surrounding communities.   It is our job as Christians to be salt and light to the earth and what better way to do that than to serve those around us! My job, as Missions Manager, is to be the link between short-term missions teams and local pastors to work together with the goal of furthering God’s plan and His Kingdom together as the body of Christ.

So part of my job is to build and maintain relationships with local Dominican pastors or community developers whose desire is to see their country and people come to know the Lord. All of these communities have big physical, spiritual and emotional needs and it is their desire to see God work through them to meet these needs.  The other part of my job is to welcome down short-term mission teams from the States and provide them with the opportunity to help the locals and share Christ.  It is through these missions teams that we enable the Dominicans to further what God has called them to do. The second part of my job is to  plan every detail of a missions team’s time in the DR and walk them through what they are experiencing. Everything that the teams do is to support the local pastor or community developers so that people living out in the communities see all the work being done as apart of the church.

I have really grown to love this job.  In of the reasons is that I get to stay very connected to the Dominican culture and its people. Through my time in the DR, I have come to love this country, language and people. I feel blessed that I get to work  alongside Dominican Christian and help them with their vision and passion for the Lord. Another reason why I really like this role is because I get to welcome people to the DR and be on the “front line”, so to speak, of their experience here.  I get to introduce people to the Dominican culture, walk them through the wonderful things this country has to offer along with helping them navigate the cultural struggles.  I love to see people out of their comfort zone and watch them experience a new culture and language for the first time!

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